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Our Partnership Hero Series: Craft Industry Apparel

May 28, 2024

Hero Series: Craft Industry Apparel


What They Do:  Craft Industry Apparel allows businesses of all sizes to create high quality prints on a wide range of merchandise, fabrics, and customizable branded apparel. If you’ve ever wanted to own a shirt, beanie, socks, or hoodie with your brand’s logo on it, Craft Industry Apparel can make your vision come true.

What We Do: The Federation is built to find, qualify and introduce great partnerships. We work hard to find partners that we believe will help you run your business better, not hold you back. We look at what they do, how they do it and what is there reputation in the industry. We grade them and then introduce them to our members as the recommended resource. It's up to you to take that next step and give them a chance to earn and retain your business.

To that end we wanted to introduce Joe Royten with Craft Industry Apparel;

Q: Who are you and what do you do?

Q: What do you like about working with the Craft Industry? 

Are you interested in becoming a Federation Brewery/Distillery Member or a Supply Partner of the Federation? Sign-up below for a 15 min. meeting to find out more about either option.