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Because these days the best shelf space is in your customers' pockets.
Operational Services
Membership & Mug Club App
Taproom memberships and loyalty programs are a time-honored tradition. Now you can power-up your existing program or launch something totally new! Earn recurring revenue every month. Bring your most valuable guests back in more often. Shred the spreadsheets and member cards. It's all in your app! This ain't your grandpa's mug club!
Member Benefits
Get 25% off + unlimited push messages + unlimited mug club memberships included with your app.

Dan's Thoughts

Tapwyse offers Federation members a great solution to run their membership programs, mug clubs and reward programs. When looking for partners, the Federation is evaluating how much a program will help our members run their business. Two factors about the Tapwyse solution that really fits for Federation members is the ability for Tapwyse to help save you a significant amount of time in managing these programs. We at the Federation know from experience how much of a lift it is to run a small scale mug club for example. Besides time savings, Tapwyse can provide you with a new/better revenue stream by helping you stand up these programs. Reach out to the Tapwayse team today to learn more about their program and solution.


Cheers to Instant Updates with Push Notifications

Imagine a world where you can easily and instantly reach your customers. No pesky algorithm to fight with; just burst onto your customers phones like a surprise party for their taste buds.

Why Push Notifications? They're not just a cool feature; they're the rockstars of communication. With the highest click-through rates, these messages outshine emails, social and text messages like a crisp golden ale on a sunny day.

Now, here's the real kicker - zero per-message fees. That's right, zero. You can send as many notifications as you want without worrying about your marketing budget kicking like your kegs.

So, whether it's announcing a fresh batch of craft goodness, a flash sale that's hotter than a jalapeño-infused IPA, or just a friendly reminder about a night at the taproom, Push Notifications are your backstage pass to keeping your beer-loving community buzzing with excitement.


It feels like we have another team member on staff to help us with our mug club and app.
Jason Brewer, Wandering Monsters, OH
We've only been promoting our app for a week and we have almost 700 downloads.
Brett Bullock, Screamin' Hill, NJ
We used to track perks using spreadsheets and hard cards. This is a game changer. Both our members and our beertenders love our app!
Christina Lumsden, Dogleg Brewing, CA
It's GREAT for our mug club, events and new beer releases!
Josh Evans, Afterglow Brewing, VA
This is the way.
Chris Wright, Pikes Peak Beer, CO
Pushing targeted marketing and new releases has made a huge difference in sales.
Amanda Lowes, Banded Goose, ON

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Partner Facts
Federation Rating (4 Stars)
Year Started
Response Time
Above Average
Industry Focus
Beverage Industry
Lead Time
2 to 4 weeks
Contract Offer Value
Made in the USA

Partner Information

2292 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008